
Dialoguri culturale - Sorin Purcaru

Crystallized Energies


Maestrul Sorin Purcaru va fi online, pe 3 noiembrie 2022, la ora 18:00, la „Dialoguri ştiinţifice şi culturale”, organizate în cadrul proiectului „Internaţionalizare pentru dezvoltare instituţională la Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi”, CNFIS-FDI-2021-0349, IDEI (UGAL).
Abstract: Born on the border between matter and energy, from the interaction of fire with metal, my people define themselves in the light of intuitions, of the spark that generates expressive volumetric structures. They bear both my fingerprint and the one of those who look at them.
I intend to review the themes approached throughout my artistic career by emphasizing the influence of materials and objects on the resulting shapes. I will also present the different ways of treating a shape if we consider its destination, be it a monumental sculpture or a work intended for the indoor setting.
Sorin George Purcaru, sculptor, born in 1971 in Galati, Romania, attended ‘George Enescu’ University of Arts in Iasi. He is currently an associate professor within the same university.
His works are present at numerous personal and collective exhibitions on both national and international platforms. We mention some of his personal exhibitions: 2004 Iași, Cupola Gallery, "Installers' shop" exhibition; 2007 Bacău, Art Museum ; 2008 Iași, Dana Gallery ; 2009 Galati, Visual Art Museum ; 2014 Germany, Schwarzenbek Mucha Gallery; 2015 Germany Mucha Gallery "Imaginary Worlds"; 2016 Art Museum", Municipal Library B.P. Hașdeu, Republic of Moldova, Freibourg, Cathedral Gallery, Switzerland; 2017 Nuremberg "Transfiguration", Tiny Griffon Gallery, Germany; 2018 Munich, "Kunst, Musik und Fabelwesen", Consulate General of Romania, Germany; 2019 Strasbourg, "Three-dimensional writings", Espace Gallery B, Council of Europe, France; 2022 Exhibition "Anthropomorphism", Cluj-Napoca Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca.
“Sorin Purcaru is one of the most active, dynamic and creative artists in Romania. With an important number of personal and group exhibitions, the artist stood out for the consistency of his artistic projects that are aimed at presenting sculptural art from a contemporary perspective, with an emphasis on innovation, addressing the changes and opportunities brought about by both globalization and intercultural communication” – Art critic Maria Bilașevschi.

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